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Learn a modality to empower and provide inner strength.

Have tailored mentorship to learn at your own pace.


Courses are kept small. 1-3 person per group.

I believe in quality over quantity.
There will be support from myself and a community of fellow students and practitioners you can connect with if you wish to increase your support circle.


It is important to first build your connection with your guides.

Learn how to clear yourself and build resilience.

There will then be an opportunity once this course is completed to advance and grow into a  Spirit Release Practitioner. 

This will be discussed when you are comfortable with your understanding, mediumship, self clearances and feel ready to help others.


There is no concept of time when it comes to your learning journey and I am here to help you through this.


In learning the Multidimensional Spiritual Hygiene Technique you will learn how to gain inner Strength and empowerment. You will take different journeys to connect with your spiritual team and strengthen your relationship with them. Building our knowledge and awareness of what’s around us, will allow you to protect yourself and family from psychic attacks that cause symptoms of ill wellbeing and stop you progressing in your life's journey. This technique works on multidimensional levels to clear low vibrational energies, attachments and possessing spirits as well as looking at spiritual hygiene tips to raise your vibration and reduce your risk of future attacks. It helps to clear past life trauma and malevolent energies that leave us feeling blocked in life. These energies can also attract other low vibrational energies which lead to bad luck. The technique rebuilds, realigns and seals all parts of your Chakras and Aura, that are essential for protecting your life force energy, and resulting in inner peace and confidence to move forward in your life's purpose.

Where: Online live  zoom calls
Length: 3 days or equivalent of 18 hours (this can be flexible according to time zones, family commitments and learning needs.

certified 1:1 Mentorship for MDSR

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